“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22”

This line from the Taylor Swift song is meant to be fun and upbeat. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling more like this bug as we head into ’22. Hoping and praying this year will be better than the last two, but knowing the “stick” offers little assurance. And not much of a hiding spot either.

2022 is just a number, humankind’s way of marking the time passing us by. But what we appreciate is the chance to reset. To reconsider our life and ways to do it better. Maybe you’re like me; in a time of newness, I get jazzed, ready to really do it all-the-way this time and, Bam! some obstacle thwarts the plan. It’s as if the air has whooshed out of the tires and we’re stopped cold. We’ve now completed one month of 2022 so far, and personally, my plans have already been disrupted. 

I had neatly laid out my big “three” for the new year. 

1.  Create Words 

2. Create Friends 

3. Create Health

Simple and straight-forward, right? I was well on my way when, Bam! I overexerted my shoulder doing a home repair project and found myself hindered in accomplishing number three. No worries, I could still do my writing and reach out to build those new friendships and then, Bam! Covid blew in and I was out like a light. How grateful I am it wasn’t an awful case, but for 10 days it held me down. All those grandiose plans laid right there on the couch next to me.

When we make plans to grow, improve and change, we should also prepare for obstacles, which always come. (Seems like we should know this by now?) And, if we stop to think about it, don’t the obstacles themselves help us grow and change? Maybe we don’t have to throw in the towel on our plans just because it got hard(er). Let’s instead look for faith to carry-on and find ways to move ahead despite our stutter-starts. 

I love the story in Luke 8:22 when Jesus and his disciples boated across the lake as a furious storm blew in. Bailing frantically, certain the next wave would wash them over, the disciples found it incredible Jesus was asleep! They woke him with panicky cries for help. Jesus’ response was to rebuff the wind, silence the waves and ask where their faith had gone.

We aren’t so different from them. It’s when our storms rage, (health challenges, conflict in relationships, uncertainty about the future, disappointment, financial woes...), when we are most challenged to trust God.

Here are four strategies to consider when faith wanes:

1.    Decide to believe. Faith is not a feeling, but a decision. When it feels like our “boat” is being battered by the storm. Remember who is in the boat with us. Take some deep breaths and consider what trust in God looks like in your situation. How can you take just one step?

2.    Offer grace. Even if we have a setback, patiently think it over, (missteps and failures) and practice words of kindness. We can give ourselves some mercy as we find ways to start again. It never helps us to berate or condescend our shortcomings. Remind yourself of the good plan you set out to do and be proud of that step forward. Say something positive about yourself and start once more!

3.    Don’t battle alone. When we get discouraged, it’s easy to isolate ourselves from others and negativity swirls until we’re unable to think clearly. It helps to let someone know what’s going on. Reach out for support. A true friend will help breathe reason and courage into our soul. Who helps you most in times of turmoil?

4.    Make plan “B”. Sure, we may have been thwarted, (who isn’t?), but it doesn’t mean we are unable to try again. After a rough patch some people aim to take small baby steps, any little action to take. If it works, do it, do it again and voila! movement happens. Others aim for a goal which is higher or harder, this in turn helps them stretch further and move again. What can you do today to move you closer to your original plan? If it’s been interrupted, what is your plan “B”?

When we keep our eye on the big picture, we gain perspective, knowing the storm in which we are tossing will eventually calm. We’re only one month into 2022, which means there are 11 more! There is still much time to get back on track and faithfully follow our plan. Focus on what and who really matters. As he did the disciples, Jesus asks us where our faith has gone. It’s as if he’s telling us, “Hang on little bug, keep your eyes on the one who rebuffs the wind and silences the waves”.

Remember this: God is bigger than any storm. He’s not a flimsy stick to which we cling but the rock of ages on which we stand!

“At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul.” Ps. 138:3 (PT)


Four Agreements

