

What picture pops into your head when you hear the word peacefulness? A cascading brook in a pristine mountain setting? A quiet nap while rain patters gently on the window? Enough money in your checkbook to travel wherever you want?

Who doesn’t want some of that?

Truly, the concept of peace is difficult. It draws us, but we aren’t always sure what it is. Does it means a life without troubles, or having no worries? Of course not, no one’s life is free of that. Could it be that all riots and wars will end? That we’ll have no more conflict or friction? Sadly, as long as their are self-centered, injured souls on this planet, we will continue to witness this.

What peace does imply though, is a sense of calm, a trust, knowing whatever comes will be managed, and a belief that God is working a plan through any situation that arises.

On a spiritual level, let’s consider this inner peace. What would you do to walk through your days enjoying an honest sense of peace in your soul?

For each of us, the greatest thief of peace is those twin culprits of worry and anxiety. They sneak in the back door as you fret about what happened in the past or may happen in the future, they invite in their friends, distress and uncertainty as you wait for the proverbial other shoe to drop. Apprehension looms large and blocks the sunlight from shining. Do you live in a shadowy world of non-peace? When you do, it sucks the joy right out of life and zaps your energy.

This is the good news: God offers peace. It is transcendent (other-worldly), and cannot be stolen.

Along with his offer, he reminds you of some some steps you can take to grasp ahold of it. Read this passage from Philippians 4:6-7 and look for the differing responsibilities you and God have when it comes to finding peace:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God will transcend all understanding and will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.”

Your part to achieve his peace is to not be overcome with anxiety, which means to not be controlled or defeated by it. When you bring your honest thoughts before God in prayer, (and this is the big part) surrender your worries to him, you are choosing to trust even when a foreboding wave of anxiety is knocking at the door. When you can find gratitude in the mix, this divine peace will find you.

God’s part is to bring the peace which is other-worldly, and inexplicable. On beyond that, scripture says he guards you from whatever is making you anxious. How he does this we cannot know, but it seems he offers comfort that exceeds comprehension and throws shade on whatever you think you understand about his goodness.

I can’t explain it.

I don’t understand every bit it.

But, I choose to believe the promise.

No one is saying you won’t have peace-robbing emotions at times, but somehow, when you present them to God, he answers. His peace doesn’t mean a quick and easy solution but a peace of mind. You make the effort to stop fretting over circumstances you can do nothing about, you choose serenity as you lay aside the desire to control every detail and you trust there is a much bigger story at play.

Like when you pray, it is bewildering to comprehend the idea that you can bring a concern before the very throne of God. Even though it mystifies, you still pray and when you do, a calm washes over your soul. Even though you may not be able to fix the matter, you know you’ve brought it to the Great Fixer. And then you release it into his care.

Faithfulness to God does not equal ease in this life, but peace is still promised. Take ahold of this amazing gift. God offers peace to help you ground and heal your soul. He hasn’t left you alone.


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